Ranking The NBA Teams With Highest Annual Revenue Generated

Ranking The NBA Teams With Highest Annual Revenue Generated

Ranking The NBA Teams With Highest Annual Revenue Generated 4

The National Basketball Association is making a lot of money and their numbers have increased over the years. There is a huge fan base of this league around the world and teams are using the market to earn more money. Sponsorships, merchandise sales and image rights deals put a heavy balance on the accounts of participating clubs. We have compiled a detailed list of NBA teams with the highest annual revenue.

The highest earning NBA teams

1) Golden State Warriors

Ranking The NBA Teams With Highest Annual Revenue Generated 5

Extensive marketing deals and sponsorships put the Golden State Warriors at the top of this list, generating $765 million in revenue per year. In addition to these, the sale of goods has increased the current net worth of $7.56 billion.

2) Los Angeles Lakers

Ranking The NBA Teams With Highest Annual Revenue Generated 6

There is an increase in the team’s market value through increased merchandise sales and sponsorships. The group is now generating about $465 million in annual revenue and its net worth has now surpassed $6.44 billion.

3) New York Knicks

Ranking The NBA Teams With Highest Annual Revenue Generated 7

The New York Knicks are number three on the NBA’s list of top-grossing teams with $452 million a year. The club’s current net worth is $6.58 billion, making it the second richest club in the National Basketball Association.

NBA teams with the highest annual revenue

1 Golden State Warriors $765 million $7.56 billion2 Los Angeles Lakers $465 million $6.44 billion3 New York Knicks $452 million $6.58 billion4 Brooklyn Nets $405 million $3.86 billion5 Dallas Mavericks $364 million $3.26 billion6 Los Angeles Clippers $362 million $3.73 billion7 Boston Celtics $361 million $3.92 billion8 Milwaukee $352 million $2.43 billion9 Chicago Bulls $352 million $4.09 billion10 Houston Rockets $350 million $3.3 billion11 Philadelphia 76ers $345 million $3.21 billion12 Miami Heat $326 million $3.2 billion13 Cleveland Cavaliers $325 million $1.95 billion14 Phoenix Suns $302 million $3 billion15 Toronto Raptors $299 million $3.34 billion16 Atlanta Falcons $282 million $2.19 billion17 Detroit Pistons $278 million $1.82 billion18 Oklahoma City Thunder $274 million $1.75 billion19 Denver Nuggets $273 million $2.13 billion20 Memphis Grizzlies $273 million $1.67 billion21 Orlando Magic $272 million $1.91 billion22 Minnesota Timberwolves $271 million $1.7 billion23 Charlotte Hornets $269 million $1.77 billion24 New Orleans Pelicans $268 million $1.63 billion25 Indiana Pacers $264 million $2.02 billion26 Utah Jazz $262 million $2.15 billion27 Portland Trail Blazers $240 million $2.29 billion28 Washington Wizards $213 million $2.7 billion29 San Antonio Spurs $205 million $2.16 billion30 Sacramento Kings $192 million $2.32 billion
# Groups Annual income The price of groups

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